La Immigrata

La Immigrata

written by Anna Florin

Over twenty two million immigrants came to America through Ellis Island between 1892-1924. Chances are your ancestors were among them. See for yourself how they lived, what they had to endure, how they survived.

image of book In Book One...
Annie and her two year old daughter travel to America to join up with Joe, the love of her life. Come with her and experience the numerous trials of a 1912 Atlantic crossing, the many tests and exams that Ellis Island demands and the long three day journey by train... taking them to their new home in Utah, over 4,000 miles from her home in Italy.
What was life like back then? What could an immigrant from Sicily expect to find in a state like Utah?
Experience what she experiences as you follow her through her everyday life in America. Learn how to make soap, cheese, wine and moonshine, all necessities that could be made much cheaper than they could be bought. See for yourself, the many new discoveries and changes that took place during the Industrial Revolution and how it affected the common folk. Learn about great inventions and how electricity changed lives. See what people had to do to survive. Feel for yourself how WWI interrupted the lives of the entire nation and learn why this war was fought.
Book One contains 320 pages.

Book One is available in multiple e-book formatting for only $5.99 . Visit

image of book In Book Two...
Continue your journey with Annie and Joe as they return to America, only to find many things have changed. How did Prohibition and the Great Depression affect our immigrant family? What tactics did they use to ensure their survival?
See how the school systems in Utah, and across the nation, tried to change the immigrant children, encouraging them to reject their foreign traditions to make them more American. Follow the lives of Annie’s children as they grow into adulthood and have children of their own.
WWII, the Korean conflict and the Vietnam War each impacted the citizenry of Utah. Find out interesting information on how these wars were fought and how Utah benefited from them.
Finally, see how the 1960s was truly a decade of rebellion and transformation, one that improved our country and made it stronger.
Book Two contains 458 pages.

Book Two is available in multi e-book formatting for only $6.99 . Visit

"La Immigrata is a superbly crafted two volume saga filled with insight, drama, and life stories that will thoroughly engage the rapt attention of the reader from beginning to end. Highly recommended"... Nationally recognized 'The Midwest Book Review'- (Entire review found below).

"La Immigrata is a most interesting story, well written and the first person dialogue gives a human dimension that is often absent in histories of immigrants." He goes on to say..."The book does a fine job of portraying the story of Annie, Joe, their family, and the immigrant experience in Utah."... Mr. Kent Powell, Utah State Historical Society.

Buy the two book paperback set for only $40.00 (plus 5.00 shipping).

Mail Check to:
Featherwood Publishing
10331 Springcrest Lane
South Jordan, Utah 84095
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A six part television mini-series script has been written for La Immigrata, adapted from the book by the same name. Just as Roots helped America see the life and challenges of an African slave in the early 1800s, La Immigrata helps bring to life the challenges of a Southern European immigrant a century later. Forty five percent of all people living in the United States have ancestors that emigrated through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1924, when more than twenty two million immigrants arrived from Southern European countries. It was the largest movement ever seen in American history.
This mini-series would be a wonderful addition to the Netflix programming, or any local PBS station. Producers/Directors are encouraged to write me. Thank you!

Listen to an interview with the author, Anna Florin, on BlogTalkRadio .

You can also read about why author Anna Florin wrote the two set novel and why she included so many historical facts in her books. Just follow the link... A Captivating Novel- La Immigrata.

Complete review from The Midwest Book Review , a nationally recognized, independent reviewer:

"Between 1892 and 1924 more than 20 million immigrants (most of whom came from southern European homelands) passed through Ellis Island for the purpose of settling in America and beginning a new life for themselves and their families. "La Immigrata" by Anna Florin is a superbly told, two volume novel that, although a work of fiction, accurately portrays what Annie, an immigrant from Sicily who came to reunite with her husband Joe, experienced, from the crossing of the Atlantic in 1912, through trekking across America to ultimately settle in the state of Utah. There were a great many cultural shocks stemming from the rapid changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution which was in full swing, from the impact of electricity and so many new inventions on ordinary lives, and the ramifications of the outbreak of war in 1914 -- including public feelings about immigrants suspected of divided loyalties. "La Immigrata" goes on with Annie and Joe living through the American post-war years of the 1920s when immigrants from southern Europe, as well as immigrants of color from China, Japan, and Mexico, were increasingly discriminated against. Then there were things like Prohibition, the Great Depression, their children and grandchildren growing up 'American', life during World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, all this and more.
"La Immigrata" is a superbly crafted two volume saga filled with insight, drama, and life stories that will thoroughly engage the rapt attention of the reader from beginning to end. Highly recommended, especially for community libraries on tight budgets, is that "La Immigrata" can be purchased for $40.00 as a two volume set directly from the publisher.

Published by Featherwood Publishing .

© 2009